About Us

We are on a mission to help people rediscover their inner positive selves, one journal journey at a time.

Founder - Lauraly Laurent, AKA Queen Nzinga

Empowering Positivity: Rediscover Your Inner Radiance with Every Stationery Selection!

Established in 2023, Nzinga’s Corner Shop is not just an online stationery store – it's a haven for those seeking the key to joy and positivity.

Born from a personal journey of overcoming depression and anxiety, and rediscovering faith, I realized that happiness is a conscious choice. Tired of being shackled by negativity, I embarked on a transformative path towards positivity.

From this transformative journey emerged our inaugural product line, the '30 Days to Positivity Journal' series. Each journal is a carefully crafted companion designed to guide you in developing a more positive attitude over 30 days.

In life, we may have limited control, but our attitude is within our grasp. Join us on the journey of self-discovery and positivity at Nzinga’s Corner Shop – where joy begins, one journal at a time.